The Story Behind SIMATA
Hey there! I’m Lee, the creator of SIMATA. Upon relocating to Cyprus, I aimed to maintain connections with my old friends while making new ones. This inspired me to merge my passion for jewelry design with a means to convey love and memories.

I started creating personalized jewelry pieces using Morse code, a language of short and long signals representing letters and numbers. In Greek, “simata” means “signals”.
Each piece I made had a hidden message within its design. People loved it because they could share their emotions and keep cherished memories alive. Word about my Morse code jewelry spread, reaching people all over the world. As you explore my online store, you’ll discover diverse collection designs. Each design holds a personalized hidden message, making it more than just a piece of jewelry – it’s about wearing a story that’s uniquely yours.
Welcome to SIMATA, a place where every piece of jewelry tells a unique story and contributes to the growth of a dream turned reality.